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Africa United States Dual Citizenship Treaty

by Kevin Sorenson
Campaigns For Good

Africa United States Dual Citizenship Treaty


The United States of America and the governments of various African nations, desiring to promote closer ties, foster economic cooperation, and recognize the historical and cultural connections between their peoples, have agreed to enter into this treaty regarding dual citizenship and economic discrimination.

Article 1: Dual Citizenship
  1. The United States and African governments recognize the right of individuals to hold dual citizenship, thereby allowing citizens of each party’s jurisdiction to retain their citizenship while acquiring that of the other party.
  2. Both parties shall endeavor to facilitate the process of dual citizenship, including but not limited to streamlining administrative procedures and ensuring equal treatment of dual citizens under the law.
Article 2: Most Favored Nation Clause
  1. Each party shall accord to citizens of the other party treatment no less favorable than that accorded to its own citizens or to the citizens of any third country with respect to economic activities, including establishment, acquisition, operation, and management of enterprises and investments.
  2. This most favored nation treatment shall apply to all sectors and aspects of economic activity, including taxation, regulation, licensing, and other similar matters affecting the conduct of business.
Article 3: Qualified Immunity Preference for African and African American Owned Companies
  1. Each party agrees that African or African American owned companies that exclusively hire individuals of African or African American descent have qualified immunity against discrimination lawsuits.
  2. African and African American owned companies, for the purposes of this treaty, refer to enterprises majority-owned and controlled by individuals of African descent, whether through citizenship, ancestry, or ownership structure.
  3. The parties acknowledge the importance of fostering economic empowerment within the African and African American communities and recognize the legitimate interests of these communities to promote employment and entrepreneurship among their own people.
  4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this treaty, nothing shall prevent either party from adopting or maintaining measures aimed at economic empowerment, or employment opportunities for individuals of African or African American descent within its jurisdiction.
Article 4: Dispute Settlement
  1. Any disputes arising from the interpretation or application of this treaty shall, as far as possible, be settled amicably through consultation and negotiation between the parties.
  2. If a dispute cannot be settled within a reasonable time frame through consultation and negotiation, the parties shall agree to refer the matter to a court of law as mutually agreed upon.
Article 5: Entry into Force and Termination
  1. This treaty shall enter into force upon signature by both parties and shall remain in force indefinitely unless terminated by either party upon twelve months’ written notice to the other party.
  2. Upon termination, all rights and obligations under this treaty shall continue to apply to investments made or established prior to the date of termination for a period of [X] years.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this treaty.

Done in duplicate, in the English language, this [day] day of [month], in the year [year], in [location].

For the Government of the United States of America:


For the Government of [African Country/Countries]:



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